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Tag: Australian Christian Lobby


Abetz: Reporters should just report and not commentate

Liberal backbencher Eric Abetz has continued his criticism of the Australian media saying reporters should report and not commentate. Speaking to the Australian Christian Lobby's...

Turnbull pressured to revisit marriage equality free vote

Liberal MPs who support marriage equality are reportedly encouraging  the Prime Minister to reconsider his commitment to address the issue through a plebiscite in...

Australian Christian Lobby: Anti-bullying program harms children

The Australian Chrisitian Lobby has announced it will launch a major campaign against the Safe Schools Coalition program that aims to prevent same-sex attracted...

Lyle Shelton describes Q&A response to Katy Faust as "vicious attacks"

Lyle Shelton from the Australian Christian Lobby has described the responses from panelists on the ABC's 'Q&A' program to American blogger Katy Faust as...

Safe Schools Coalition told not to speak out for marriage equality

The federal government have insisted that LGBTIQ support program, Safe Schools Coalition (SSC), refrain from publicly supporting marriage equality. A spokesperson for Education Minister Christopher...

ABC fact checks if Mum and Dad are better than same sex parents

The ABC's Fact Check unit has taken a deeper look into whether there is any truth to the claim that children are better off...

ACL call for federal government to stop funding Safe Schools Coalition

The Australian Christian Lobby have made calls for Education Minister Christopher Pyne to cease federal funding for the Safe Schools Coalition of Australia. The...

Margaret Court: safe schools program is like communism

The Australian Christian Lobby has called on Education Minister Christopher Pyne to remove all funding to the 'Safe School Coalition' program. The ACL has claimed...

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Don't miss

South African LGBTIQA+ rights activist Mmapaseka Steve Letsike sworn in as an MP

Internationally recongised LGBTIQA+ rights defender Mmapaseka Steve Letsike is now an MP.

On This Gay Day | Poet Pat Parker died in 1989

Parker was an African American poet and activist.

Norwegian pop singer Dagny shares new mini album

Take a listen to her new song 'Hate Being Alone'.

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

Marc Almond, Thomas Bangalter, Bronze Avery, Gustaph and Darin.

Meaghan Holden appointed inaugural CEO of Living Proud

Holden joins Living Proud from Switchboard in Victoria.