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Tag: Sydney


All Our Exes Live In Texas hit Perth and Fremantle

Sydney indie-rockers All Our Exes Live In Texas are hitting Fremantle and Perth tonight and tomorrow with their unique brand of contemporary music. Guy...

Push for Prime Minister to be uninvited from Mardi Gras

A member of the board of Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras has spoken out at a marriage equality rally in Sydney today, calling...

Australian LGBTI Awards to launch in Sydney next year

The founder of the British LGBT Awards, Linda Riley, has launched an Australian counterpart to celebrate and recognise those who work towards LGBT equality. The...

Research reveals only one electorate opposed to marriage equality

A study of attitudes towards marriage equality has revealed just one of Australia's 150 electorates shows a majority of people who are opposed to changing the...

Church leaders demand public funding to fight marriage equality

Church leaders are calling on the federal government to provide millions of dollars in funding to help them to convince Australian voters to oppose...

Man allegedly added acid to dispensers in gay/bisexual club

A man has been arrested after allegedly being caught putting hydrochloric acid into lubricant dispensers in a Sydney sex-on-premises venue. NSW police have confirmed that a...

Australian singer Luke Antony shares new video

Australian singer Luke Antony has just released his new tune 'Separate Ways. The video for the catchy tune features a same sex couple on a...

Shorten still supports Safe Schools Coalition

Labor leader Bill Shorten has restated his support for the Safe Schools Coalition anti-bulling program during a media conference in Sydney this morning. "When it...

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Don't miss

South African LGBTIQA+ rights activist Mmapaseka Steve Letsike sworn in as an MP

Internationally recongised LGBTIQA+ rights defender Mmapaseka Steve Letsike is now an MP.

On This Gay Day | Poet Pat Parker died in 1989

Parker was an African American poet and activist.

Norwegian pop singer Dagny shares new mini album

Take a listen to her new song 'Hate Being Alone'.

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

Marc Almond, Thomas Bangalter, Bronze Avery, Gustaph and Darin.

Meaghan Holden appointed inaugural CEO of Living Proud

Holden joins Living Proud from Switchboard in Victoria.